Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Summer at Hume Lake Christian Camps

This Summer was awesome. I got to go with my family to this amazing place in the mountains called Hume Lake (for more information see; I had a lot of fun and made a bunch of new friends. So here we go, check out these pictures. the first one is me and my friend Mama Zumba.
I will post more pictures as soon as I figure out how to add the slideshow from Picassa. After all I'm only 6. Yay I finally figured it out, the first picture is me in front of the Lake. The other 4 pictures are of my friend Mama Zumba (I think her real name is K***). Then 2 pictures are my other friends from Day camp (But I mostly went to night camp). We had a lot of fun together. One picture is of me, Kevin, Megan and Rich in costumes. Their job was to make a lot of teenagers scream and yell. Me getting ready for a water balloon fight. Then pictures of me and the biggest frog I've ever seen. My dad caught it, after we showed everybody we let it go. Then me and some viking friends. Theres one picture of my dad and I standing next to Smokey the bear, the audacity of my dad, if only Smokey knew he was standing next to an arsonist! My dad burned down a huge 2 story house when he was 10 years old, but thats another story. One picture is of a truck that a really big tree fell on. Bummer. Me and my mom, and finally our cool pigeon, Junior. I hope you liked these pictures. let me know.

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